Wednesday, March 16, 2011

i wish..

i wish that love and relationship had a fixed formula so i don't have to make mistakes.
i wish i was better than who i am now.
i wish i could be more sensitive about people around me.
i wish i could have been useful.
i wish i could help people, instead of giving them pain and burden.
i wish i could always smile and not adding problems to someone else's life.
i wish i was prettier than ever.
i wish i was taller than now.
i wish i was the kindest and the most cheerful girl in this world.
i wish i was just different than anybody else.

turns out..
i'm just the same with anyone else in this world. i'm just a human.
i'm not that pretty, i'm not that smart. i'm not that helpful, i'm not that sensitive.
i'm much more like a burden than a help.
i make mistakes all of the time, and still haven't make any changes ever since.

sorry. i'll be gone the second you wish it.

march? ergh tepar :s

okay, soo. sekarang bulan maret dan teparnya ampun2an. hhhh. kelas 3 sma ipa membuat gue gila juga lama-lama.
baru aja mulai maret, udah PRA UAS PRA UAN. mimimimiminta ditabok.
udah gitu segala macem ujian praktek, segala macem tugas2 akhir, segala macem jenis ambil nilai semua di bulan ini. bulan depan tinggal semedi sambil nungguin UN. wiiii, mabok dah.
gue ga menyangka di bulan ini tuh bakal ditumpuk semuanya. hiah! udah-gila-nih-gue.

oiyaa, btw hari sabtu kemaren, tanggal 11 maret, jepang kena gempa 8,9 sr trus tsunami :( yang sabar ya siapapun orang2 yang ada di jepang n terkena musibah itu. and there's this issue about nuclear radiation leaks as well. scary :s

oke lanjut. erghh. besok pra uan sama pra uasnya fisika n pkn. 2 hal yang berbeda banget. untung tadi di sekolah udah belajar2 gitu sama gurunya, skrg di rumah lumayan bisa maen2. haha. ehh gila juga yaa skrg gw udah jarang bgt jalan! demi apa! hahaha. tiap sabtu di rumah aj, kalo ga sekali dua kali ke sekolah, belajar lah, latian drama lah, wiii i'm officially a nerd B-)

okaay. sebenernya ga terlalu banyak yg mau gue ceritain, hahaa. cuma bosen aj n jarang update blog. hihi. fine then, gotta study :( BYE!