Friday, June 19, 2009


yayaya liburan has already started guys! haha but i do nothing for my holiday haha. gilak gw udah berasa membusuk gitu di rumah mati banget hahaa. krezi! hehe
this holiday turns out to be HELLIDAY. ahaha. selain bosen bgt, my feeling juga mendukung kegilaan liburan ini. haha. haduh boneka gw dicuci pulaa. huxx boneka gw kaan kyak temen curhat gw gitu kalo misalnya gw lagi sendirian. huhu

me and tongkii

huhu he's inside the washing machine now. or out already but not dry enough. idk. huhu. i miss him (fyi he's a boy). kasur gw kemaren rasanya kosong banget gda tongki hixx. mwah i love u tongki! hahhaa. alhasil kemaren gw cuma bisa melok guling standar gw. huf. males! hahaa.
by the way! haha follow me on twitter ya HERE okok? hahaa. great then
mm liburan ini kerjaan gw cuma online, maen sims 2 (should be sims 3 soon!), nonton csi (yeey!), gila gilaan ma cici and i hvnt jalan with my temen2 since the liburan has started! aaargh! penyiksaan boss. huhu.
haduh my cici kepow nee dya ngeliat pos gw yang belom jadi inii. aahaha. malu kan eykee. haha.
huff my friends kayanya lagi menikmati liburan deh yang di luar negeri (ya iyalah) haha. have fun yaa temans temans! kali ini aku tidak bisa pergi ke luar karena koko saya mao datang! hahaa.
koko will be here @july 2nd. YEY! asoii. uum so many i wanna tell you guys. hahaa. since the beginning of JUNE i hvnt write anything down right? ahhaa. okehh. gw mo dipasangin kawat. hhahaa! great right? haha. pasti tmpang gw aneeh zzz banget haha tapi gapapa laah yang penting nantinya gw punya gigi bisa rapi. hahaa. second, gw di les in john robert powers! omg. hahaa. gw ga da gambaran les apaan tu jadi gw iya iya aja pas nyokap bilang mao les in gw di situ. trus malemnya, temen gw bilang kalo les di situ ntar jadi wanita sejati! AAA! wats dad? gw jadi serem gituk. hahaha. gilaa laa. but i will not be alone kok. ada cc gw menemani! hahaah.
lumayan juga lesnya bisa mengisi liburan haha soalnya mulai dari 9am-4pm gitu evryday since june 23rd until july 6th except sat and sun. haha.
paling ga sabtu minggu nya gw masih bisa jalaan ma temen2 gw. yey! hahaa.
IYA! this saturday i wanna jalan with ma friends ke sency! yeyeyeye. ahhaa. finally! ahahaa. so haaaapppy! hihihi.
rite today gw mao pergi ke launching buku om gw. haha. he's a kompas reporter gitu. but he wrote a book about lim sui king yaa kalo ga salah. and the book launching is today. so me and my whole family gonna go to BII tower @thamrin. ahhaa. krezi! hahaa.
gw masi ga tao ni mo wear apa. huff. later i'll think about it laah. hahaa. okey then i should have my breakfast guys. see ya!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

i am a pretender.

i know, exams are over. but my feelings for him are not. sometimes i feel soo mad at him. sometimes it feels like i am only one of his toys. but i could not deny the fact that i am still in love with him. 2 days ago, i tried to get rid of him by not talking to him. and you know what. i just cant. maybe he really felt like he was abandoned, but i felt worse than that. he didn't know that that day, i cried at school, feeling i was a total idiot.
that day we met at the mall. he held my hands. he kissed my hands and my head. I COULD NOT resist it. but maybe i have to be strong. though i am still in love with him, he is not. he already has someone new. so i have to STOP. just stop stop stop stop thinking about him. i am still breathing without him, so it has no use to think about him all the time.
i have to run from this. maybe pretending is my new job. pretending i don't love him anymore, probably would help.
i'm listening to samsons song. haha. the lyrics are soo good.
"mungkin aku tidaklah sempurna, tetapi hatiku memilikimu sepanjang hidupku"
maybe i should just run from this reality and pretend i'll be okay by myself. pretend that i don't feel any jealousy when seeing him in love with any other girl.
i give my best to you. and you'll never see me cry again.